do you believe in astrology? and do you believe in weird happenings if you have extreme emotions, or sometimes i wasnt even emoting it happened like 4 times. fire of the flat below her house telegram went down someone's father got heart issue (that one was major L to her) weird ass shit and now is the grand cross in the sky with sun pluto mars chiron i can feel so much transforming in me the pain is much gone it comes back and then i process it and its gone and i dont think i like him that much because when i see him posting neutral stuff on ig i am not elated at all. maybe he hurt me too much i just dont trust him at all. because i just think everything is a lie. everything is a lie. i dont believe in him, i dont believe in us anymore. like i am just cynical already. the voice in my head says he probably heard i am hurting and putting on a show to be the good guy. my mum said i should not because he just keeps hurting me and he didnt do anything. which is extremely true. in fact i...