
Showing posts from 2024


 do you believe in astrology? and do you believe in weird happenings if you have extreme emotions, or sometimes i wasnt even emoting it happened like 4 times. fire of the flat below her house someone's mother got heart issue telegram went down someone's father got heart issue weird ass shit and now is the grand cross in the sky with sun pluto mars chiron i can feel so much transforming in me the pain is much gone it comes back and then i process it and its gone and i dont think i like him that much because when i see him posting neutral stuff on ig i am not elated at all. maybe he hurt me too much i just dont trust him at all. because i just think everything is a lie. everything is a lie. i dont believe in him, i dont believe in us anymore. like i am just cynical already. the voice in my head says he probably heard i am hurting and putting on a show to be the good guy. my mum said i should not because he just keeps hurting me and he didnt do anything. which is extremely true. i


 insights a combination of cbt (questioning and reframing beliefs) and visualisations visualisations for the person who hurt you imagine passing the pain back to the person who gave it to you to them to keep, as they deserve for the moment. but dont get obsessed probably hurts but is good for the moment for the person you hate so much question why do you hate them so much and is it reasonable inquire and delve deeper you would need to be good at labeling your emotions to do this example beneath pain can be regret, low self esteem, escapism, or even guilt role models think about role models and also purifying yourself like people who embody what you want to be example people full of self love in loving relationships people who are disciplined and single minded finally commit to becoming a better person i think self accountability is important there is always this unspoken contract between me and myself if i break it, i get pain if i discover the contract and know how to weld it, my pain


btw i think he got a girlfriend liao. eat ice cream is like soft launch. but she looks like blobfish. i am really tempted to be childish and post blobfish repeatedly on my ig, but i didnt la. because i dont know how to crop. hmm seems he moved on pretty fast also sia. i think he liked the xiao mei mei. the timeline very similar. lol now the chat so quiet.. haha was it because i shared some subtle story? also i feel like the xiao meimei bf got a thing for me sia. actually both xiao meimeis are quite ugly.. couldnt he have gotten someone better looking.. i hope they dont last.. get somemore prettier! she only likes you for your looks! and she is a jealous bitch! eww.


when i saw that the big boss spoke to that young chit in an imperious tone, and then her boyfriend the male manager started speaking humbly, it is my sense that something major shifted and big boss was aware of their relations.  it made me feel a huge sense of relief, as i felt protected by the knowledge that there was now a check and balance.  this, coupled with the revelation that another young girl had spoken up to the managers of her treatment from that young chit and also another developer lent his side of the story. apparently she had told people they were stupid and commanded the other to do her work. thus, this made me feel much better as it was evidence to me that she was starting to reap the consequences of her not nice character. i could finally let go of my hatred and pain. some kind of vindication that she was a indeed a person who was brutal to others and arrogant. no one likes a person who steals credit. this happened before the solar eclipse.  the day before the solar e


oh lord i felt depressed as fuck today. went to some temple to help some volunteering. not for me. hot. full of people. and i am not religious. no greenery. no empty buildings. plus the heat makes me headache. i was ready to cry as i got rather depressed. was in a depressed mood as i went home. i see all the older people my mind starts going crazy imagining being single and lonely and having to do such activities. i do believe that being single or childless makes the person eccentric as there is no one to mirror back to them. but of course there are definitely weird married women. its also a society stereotype. there was a woman talking about blessed rice. spiritual materialism i guess. if you dont know go google the concept.  unfortunately i am a pessimist so magical thinking does not work for me. at least in nature i feel so much happier. it doesnt mean depressed is bad. because at the end of depressed episode i sometimes have new realisations. i conclude religion community and volun

green tea bitch part 2

ok so it turns out the bitch didn't want mr suave. she saw our boss as better target. she chased him quite ferociously. keeps boasting she joins the managerial meeting and does minutes which are actually written by him. everyone hates her. heard she played mobile games for 2 hours in the office. in short she is utterly shameless. good for her. i want to post her name and picture on the internet with pictures of her and our boss together outside privately. best the one with them holding hands, kissing, and include one with her rubbing against him. she used to rub her body against her ex too. i longg to post her name on the internet.

green tea bitch

let me tell you the story of a green tea bitch and a hamsum with cheater potential.  i work closely with greentea in office. greentea has/had a long term boyfriend if more than 5 years (not sure if they still together, greentea always winces when i ask her about mr i-seriously-think-you-were-cuckolded nowadays). but she also crushes on the now ex-tech lead mr suave. suave probably left to avoid suspicion? i remember seeing her and her mr cuckolded boyfriend, she was cosying, rubbing her body against mr cuckold and leaning into him talking, on the mrt on our way back, from one of our get togethers. also knows he buys her hundreds dollar worth gifts on her birthday. (actually not very expensive i guess, she is into expensive gifts). ms prettii and mr suave ever played accidental touch ( hand brushing as they both reached for the mouse, then longing looks). she sent him a sticker of fingers touching on group chat before. anyway suave decided to teach us newbies coding in chinese (cos he s