green tea bitch

let me tell you the story of a green tea bitch and a hamsum with cheater potential.  i work closely with greentea in office. greentea has/had a long term boyfriend if more than 5 years (not sure if they still together, greentea always winces when i ask her about mr i-seriously-think-you-were-cuckolded nowadays). but she also crushes on the now ex-tech lead mr suave. suave probably left to avoid suspicion? i remember seeing her and her mr cuckolded boyfriend, she was cosying, rubbing her body against mr cuckold and leaning into him talking, on the mrt on our way back, from one of our get togethers. also knows he buys her hundreds dollar worth gifts on her birthday. (actually not very expensive i guess, she is into expensive gifts). ms prettii and mr suave ever played accidental touch ( hand brushing as they both reached for the mouse, then longing looks). she sent him a sticker of fingers touching on group chat before. anyway suave decided to teach us newbies coding in chinese (cos he simp so favor her so special teach in chinese), she ever show him her boob figure by stretching in front of him facing sideways so he can see the boobs strain against her blouse (he dropped his bread), put her two boob mounds on the table during lunch as she leaned forward to talk facing him. btw. she always makes sure she sits facing him so he can get a goooood look at her be-a-u-tiful face. he ask after her "(ohno) heard you on medical leave today is it." on group chat. also he first thing morning rush to wish ms prettiii happy birthday. but took one whole day before wishing his many years colleague happy birthday. (possibly offended ms ex-colleague-who-would-suit-him-if-werent-married-according-to-green-tea gave him a thumbs down as a reply, Lol). mr suave be acting as a boyfriend to ms be-a-u-tiful. they call it 嘘寒问暖. or maybe greentea already dumped mr cuckold and move-ed on with mr suave. and ms greentea also told me before (she confirm still with cuckold-ed that time) "oh he (mr suave) wont date office people he only wants outside (online dating (pretty)) girls." then at our gathering when our colleague asks him his type cos want to intro him girls (why does everyone want to intro mr suave girls, he is just a wallflower waiting for ms greentea). he says no keen. she turns to me "no la (he's not saying but she magically knows) he wants younger girls (giggle)." you referring to yourself is it. then another of her saying is "he suits a colleague of ours (if she wasn't already married)." so means you actually wants him la. then long time ago i cannot take her duplicity, decided to test her conscience (cos maybe some people unaware they are cheating) ask her "erm why don't you just break up with your boyfriend (lol)." "oh no how dare you i am superrr loyal to my boyfriend" "you (referring to me) must said so because you (actually) who likes him." "don't go too far i can be (bitch) (if you cross me)." (aka dont you dare expose me.) "oh no i am not that close to him." i mean you seem to know his taste in women mah, where got not close. "ooo he gave me chocolates for my birthday i gave them to my mum." "oo he joked with me yesterday evening" (she told me first thing in the morning, must have been dying inside of excitement). she talk about him to our friends during our lunch outing while holding her bowl of liquid, tilted. it was spilling. had to hint her it was spilling. (was really good metaphor, for the state of her pussy when she talks about him.) need call him come and rub it anot). also she doesn't care less if you bald on chemo cos she wants to faster post her kimono and face be-a-u-ti-fied with make-up photos on instagram for her crush mr suave to see. she replies a superficial"(you being bald is) still pretty", then *immediately next sends a photo of herself at the hair salon doing her hair. lol i heard from herself, that our friend who went to japan with her, was not replying her texts. i wonder why (you dont draw the link maybe she dont like you already) lol. (btw, she replied mine). we ever introduced mr suave to ms friend before. ms greentea kept quiet throughout. didnt bother to be a wingman and make them talk. guess everyone else she always mouth says can recommend him. except when it actually happens. ms greentea action not willing. alien. 说一套 做一套. not sure is she still posting feeling cute photos on ig for him. or maybe, they are already secretly dating! anyway she knows how to make guy feel sooo shiokkk without sex. anyway mr suave probably realised he was being too obvious on group chat so he pretend to be not close to ms be-a-u-tiful by saying "no, we not colleagues anymore". not colleagues then can easier cheat mah. like wait one year before going official so you can "prove" you didn't cheat. also she hinted me to go and die twice. so i told her off in another group chat lol. i can blame my medications for making me "sensitive".

ok i better remove my real name. sorely tempted to put it here. so it can be traced to Real life persons.


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