coding #2
how to learn coding for the web with javascript
- mozilla MDN guide: go through the modules (it's all in the sidebar) and the exercises
- you can highlight and take notes with liner
- to do the exercises,
- you need to know:
- html, css and javascript -- you can look for for other modules on MDN
- how relative file folder urls work - for working with img src
- how to use the developer console function console.log()
- usually the exercise folder contains: .js file, .css file, .html file and and image folder
- you need these programs
- to view output:
- a browser (i like google chrome),
- your html file opens in your browser
- pressing f12 gives you the console, and the page source
- you can you console.log() to test your code
- you can view page source to see your html code
- code editor for html, css, js
- .html, .css, .js files: open in a code editor like VS.
- i also recommend the VS plugins
- ES6 - es6 refers to the latest version of javascript
- auto suggest/autocomplete javascript code
- color codes code
- mouseover reveals references' properties
- brackets - colorises brackets for nested code
- your js, css, and html files are linked
- so ctrl+s your js/css code and f5 your page to view changes
- use console.log() to test code and trace your errors
css styles your html page/file.