this just came out. his recent songs are getting better, i'm impressed. metaphors and imagery on point. flying, running barefoot, looking back, blackened nails, tears in sleep, warm bright sunlight, dancing alone, flying free like a bird i relate to this because my life is to be honest, so-so in the friends department and non existent in the romance department. i don't feel like really sad, or regret, or i need to change it. friends are busy and settled down, some are less able to provide a listening ear (maybe to them it is childish, immature, or being listened to means you have have to reciprocate so maybe not, they have theirs at home already, they are stressed and have no more bandwidth for anything else). that is the reality of being an adult. maybe the occasional sympathy and warmth from a colleague or friend or stranger. but that doesn't do it for me. i don't need the superficial. and i feel it is so easy to have values not align one day, or per...