01/08/2021 - mutterings

ok i'm just going to write in a stream of consciousness style

cos its just more satisfying

dont like writing in journey app where there's zero possibility of anyone reading but me. doesnt feel good at all. feels kind of depressing even.


rainy weather

bored out of my mind

endless binge watching netflix

chinese costume dramas

zombies. monsters. anime


does 30s make u hornier. like i feel so dry recently. but super want to get off. its hard to get off when u are dry. ergh. annoying. used to be able to settle it once in a while n in record time, which i was pretty proud of. now i feel like a dry well crying for water.

isit the teatree mint soap i've been using on my genitals. cos it itches either its dry skin or fungus i dunno. pee smell. now the smell and damp feeling is gone but i feel dry.

how to sell drugs online fast. why does gen z depress me. too much tech in their lives. like pushing my box of imagining their human side.


link to the past. i feel anything retro soothes me.


leetcode- database/sql - boringgg

vba - boringgg. how about power query?

lazy programmer cool


flipboard cool. but seriously its rubbishy. i tink netflix is mind deadening enough


olympics cool - football, shotput, females with cool hair like n looking like amazons.

olympics mental health been trending


nursing, medical.

individualism vs collectivision. liberals. conservatives.


2nd jab. so far i feel fine. should i take panadol

ytd was a cooling day so i did housework big time. as in laundry, floor, toilet. after toilet i had to bathe so didnt get to cook.

dad's cooking is da bomb. always examining the food wondering what's the sauce.


recording myself sing. lana del rey's love sounds good. phlegmy on sheila amzah's xiang ni de ye.

i want to learn to play guitar.


its 7pm+ now. hi to anxiety and the bustle of the coming monday


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