
Showing posts from December, 2021

1/1/2022 - code and work

 its a new year i have the remember to end my year with a 2 its a lovely year i guess. cos pairs. and opposing twos make a heart yesterday i was looking for a browser controller + parser for a webscraper i saw python beautifulsoup + selenium but i like javascript, i saw a node/pupeteer one. i also saw traversy's video recommending cheerio which is pretty stripped down i usually prefer barebones solutions cos its easier to focus i think this would be very useful in terms of report generation eg competitor analysis in ecommerce, market analysis, content generation but for mine since the company i am working for is a location based app, i have to learn to parse geo location from the coordinates they give me i managed to build android bundle on macos. thank gawd there was a txt file storing the keys docker would also be useful for me cos i think it neatens projecs

31/12/2021 - end of year

 as per my custom, i will always post on the last day of the year i didnt do it on the actual night, but i didnt forget either. was just tucked into bed and feeling lazy been tired the whole year heard the cheers and the fireworks marking the turn of the new year phone wise, nothing other than my family only sent the messages n new year itself

25/12/2021 - end of year

 its xmas and end of year coming soon i wonder if monday's gonna be a holiday its been a blast tis weekend i've been having uti  is it becos of lack of bath? my hair is too long i dont like the time it takes  30 minutes in total from bath to hair dry so unable to go out for family dinner but my addiction to netflix is high which means i am happy that sense of absorption cos my mind is always distracted and scattered it feels good to be in a different mental state this happens when my desire to enjoy to the max is high sometimes when work overtakes my urge to enjoy it kinda sucks i am in a holiday relaxed let work wait till monday mode nice im planning to inhale a cup noodle later when my family's out feels abit guilty to eat unhealthy. spaghetti will have to wait for tomorrow maybe i'll  set up my mac tonight watch a movie tomorrow

12/12/2021 - i dont like designing

here's the stupid design. why is it so lame.... i think its easier for me to think about it in terms of css, something like this should split it up and think in terms of ui components

05/12/2021 - stuff on my learn list

next js i watched the traversy one. first time at 2x speed on phone. probably need to repeat it a few times slower and more focus on specific parts and then go on to create one on vscode figma  watched freecodecamp one. again the 2x speed watch thing, needs spaced repeition. wonder which of the 2 will i get started on first. probably the next js one. figma and its kinds random, but i havent done the draw cute stuff one yet tips - 2x speed + captions - chrome extension video resume - liner highlighter - its better than bookmarking

29/11/2021 - time flies

time flies. i have been working at a local tech start up since tis apr, and tomorrow's time for my mid review. recently, i have been dealing with anxiety. fears that i am not enough. my emotion is not very good. i do think about plan b. this shit is so hard. to me. so let's take stock things i have done react native set up mac - android studio + android phone (emulator wont work), xcode + ios phone / emulator windows - android, phone (emulator sucks) for some reason i have to build bundle somewhere else cos my internet wont point correct mac os quirks - m1 chip rosetta mode for xcode OR exclude arm64 architecture arch commands for pod on cli learnt along the way graphql+apollo little sql+hasura react native