1/1/2022 - code and work
its a new year i have the remember to end my year with a 2
its a lovely year i guess. cos pairs. and opposing twos make a heart
yesterday i was looking for a browser controller + parser for a webscraper
i saw python beautifulsoup + selenium
but i like javascript, i saw a node/pupeteer one.
i also saw traversy's video recommending cheerio which is pretty stripped down
i usually prefer barebones solutions cos its easier to focus
i think this would be very useful in terms of report generation eg competitor analysis in ecommerce, market analysis, content generation
but for mine since the company i am working for is a location based app, i have to learn to parse geo location from the coordinates they give me
i managed to build android bundle on macos. thank gawd there was a txt file storing the keys
docker would also be useful for me cos i think it neatens projecs