13/03/2022 - job hunting
job hunting
although i have it easy - work from home, zoom interviews, understanding boss
job search period is still stressful for me. recruiters are too spammy, i have too many interviews (yes that is an issue for me), i have work to to, i am ill prepared for my interviews, so they end up making me feel uncomfortable cos i feel like an idiot. i have fomo if i ignore the recruiters. but replying them means i pile on another interview.
- they like that i learnt coding on my own
- sql, docker, react native
- for react native, jobs are more demanding
- remote jobs are rather hands off, i feel uncomfortable working with ang mohs
- for larger apps, java
my friend has this weird habit/issue. she complains. a lot. to me. so i become detached lor. from negativity. its pointless also.
maybe she will get a boyfriend who finds this dependence quite affirming. i think guys do.
cos i had 3 interviews in a week and to top it my dad had covid so my routine was disrupted. and i am extremely bad at this kind of life thing. the stress made me irritable.
anyway sometimes i think we girls dont like burden and want to be taken care of and reliant. you can blame society or something but always remember be a giver not a taker.
my family hated the tingkat. the quality too bad for them. i loved it because i prioritised the convenience and the prize. i wish there was a service that could solve my meal insecurity. cos dad is age 70 and i really am bad with meals. heck, i even have problems bathing. i only bathe when i can't stand my own grime and stench. i have not exercised for weeks. i have a distended belly. it wont go down.