
Showing posts from 2018

having fun with online code editors

codepen - easy to run code snippets (html/css/js/console display) codesandbox (folder structure available, you coule choose create react app. been having fun with code editors online, been doing lots of practices, hehe.

where to start coding

ok this is going to be a vague post. cause everyone has a different learning journey. was watching chris sean, a self taught web dev on youtube yesterday. he said, all companies want to hire the best web dev, but those are expensive, so what they are looking for is someone with the potential to be a good one. also recommended learning react.js. yays because i also incline to learn that frontend framework. and include being able to recreate major companies websites as your portfolio, which i dont think i be able to. his channel is not a learning content. its more social. where you get people dishing out the best ways to learn code in the comments section, in addition to the author's two cents. the author is not a poseur who flings around difficult vocab and acts cerebral. its kinda of scary now, my life. im not applying jobs because i feel that i have nothing to offer, im learning a skill which i dont think i be able to attain deep skill in, and the industry is not a stabl

mehn stack

most recent thing im learning is how to a simple rest api web app. with crud - create read update destroy functionality it uses the mehn stack, the app uses the mvc design to guide code modules been scribbling the my notes. so many things i want to learn. my next step after dosing from the online lecture firehose is to draft the code. then i will finally deploy it and show it to the world. tee hee.


hi, i wonder when cant i finish walking out of this coding maze. there's so much to learn in a coding language before you can do anything useful with it. currently learning javascript oop because react uses component classes so i had to learn the syntax to know what's going on.

how to keep learning

how to be more productive? 1. accept that motivated state comes and goes. you have days and times of the day where you feel high or you overcome something you were stuck on. just do more during these period. when you get stuck or feel extremely restless, dont stress it. even robots spoil. 2. keep fit by exercising shortly daily. soothe your eyes by red tinting screens. and looking at green. dont lie down during the day time. dont take caffeine. dont eat heavy meals. dont go take sugars. these help to keep your energy levels consistent during the day. 3. have your stash of motivational stuff. like goalcast, get inspired. subscribable through facebook and youtube. take them out when the self doubt kicks. it will when the learning content gets harder. 4. take baby steps. google for resources. switch or change learning resources if they dont suit you. do what you like.

learning react js

i am still a javascript noobie, but i'm moving on to the next step after vanilla language, which is learning a framework or a library. there is a scary stack of tools out there, so much so people term it javascript fatigue. i decided on reactjs, because it is very clear cut, it is a mobile ui library (front end stack), it helps you write code that is reusable. which sounded straightforward to me.  and if you go further you can learn react native, a cross platform native app development tool, of which flutter is it's competitor.

coding #2

how to learn coding for the web with javascript mozilla MDN  guide : go through the modules (it's all in the sidebar) and the exercises you can highlight and take notes with liner   to do the exercises,  you need to know:  html, css and javascript -- you can look for for other modules on MDN how relative file folder urls work - for working with img src how to use the developer console function console.log() usually the exercise folder contains: .js file, .css file, .html file and and image folder you need these programs to view output:  a browser (i like google chrome),  your html file opens in your browser pressing f12 gives you the console, and the page source you can you console.log() to test your code you can view page source to see your html code code editor for html, css, js .html, .css, .js files: open in a code editor like VS.  i also recommend the VS plugins  ES6 - es6 refers to the latest version of javascript  auto suggest/autocomplet


to become a web developer you need to know html, css, javascript. and or python learning resources freecodecamp : interactive exercises w3cschools: interactive exercises and reference site reference site: mozilla's MDN, contains exercises udemy (skillscredit for singporeans) - video lectures, exercises, projects. please note that udemy is fast paced, you have to google and look at MDN or books corey schafer - python lectures,  concepts, tips. brad traversy - web lectures , pep talks, udemy, overviews and opinions python's site: contains documentation (ignore) and tutorials/explanations github: lots of free ebooks, free source code stackoverflow: question and answer site books and references how i learn, i use all three: books, online explanations, udemy lectures, exercises. you can use tools like liner  to highlight web text, you don't necessary have to use bookmarks you can also save code snips choose an  editor  some programming techniques: learn