to become a web developer you need to know html, css, javascript. and or python learning resources freecodecamp : interactive exercises w3cschools: interactive exercises and reference site reference site: mozilla's MDN, contains exercises udemy (skillscredit for singporeans) - video lectures, exercises, projects. please note that udemy is fast paced, you have to google and look at MDN or books corey schafer - python lectures, concepts, tips. brad traversy - web lectures , pep talks, udemy, overviews and opinions python's site: contains documentation (ignore) and tutorials/explanations github: lots of free ebooks, free source code stackoverflow: question and answer site books and references how i learn, i use all three: books, online explanations, udemy lectures, exercises. you can use tools like liner to highlight web text, you don't necessary have to use bookmarks you can also save code snips choose an editor some programming techniques: ...