
#javascript#reactjs#vanilla css
  • made a memory game halfway, still need to settle the disable board and flip back on settimeout
  • first time to usestate with array states, had to do a lot of array works
  • tried not to have nested state so all the different states were saved by id
  • was googling for all sorts of utilities like zip arrays
  • wonder if react uses an array of objects
  • still dont understand the array.reduce higher order function

so far the components are
  • sidenav/slider 
    • css transition
  • memory game 
    • usestate([array]), 
    • toggle style{{}}, 
    • array.includes(), 
    • array.indexOf(), 
    • if(condition){return}
    • Array(number) - for initialising arrays, == python range object
    • array.fill()
  • counters - usestate
  • hide/show nav on scroll
    • useRef,useState,useEffect
    • element.scrolltop
  • t

slide left for editor

  • the worse is a baby - i dont have one, but it consumes all your time, for decades
  • cooking (not frozen ready to eat meals) is tedious - track/buy/store/prep/cook/wash/keep/clean. if do it for meal(s) a day, it is really a time sucker. 
  • next up is the once a week vaccuum/mop/scrub toilet and kitchen sink routine
  • easy ones are laundry - some time management 
  • small ones like tidying up the house, keeping the dry dishes, turning on the kettle, watering the plants
my point
  • saying all these because girls are still the ones that are expected to help out at home with all the numerous tedious minute stuff - because they are 'minor' stuff.
  • its workable if you dont cook like 3 meals a day and you dont have kids/slobs to mess up the house/leave things for you to pick up, or terrible toilet habits


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