

  • made a input / output kind of reactjs component
  • react was throwing typeErrrors on my function because i forgot about JSON.parse for my incoming array which had been coerced to a string
  • output with JSON.stringify
  • iterables
  • Object.entries(obj)=> [[k,v],[k,v],..] aka Map object
  • {[k]:v,[k],v,..} not iterable, but can use object entries on it
  • my fav form is [{[k]:v},{[k]:v},..}], it is analog of a python dictionary object, is both iterable and referable. i dont like array keys
  • sometimes you have to push a new key value pair into an object and not an array because the keys are arbitrary, array indexes are not [[0]v,[1]v,[2]v,..]
  • object ↔ Map ↔ Array of Objects
  • came across Symbol.iterator, analog is UUID
error handling in react
  • error boundaries, analog of componentDidCatch
  • typescript for larger projects, static typing similar to Java
code tag in react JSX
  • the tag wont work, you have to use CSS + selector + monospace font eg Courier
  • template literals are useful, dont need to escape characters  {`string`} {`string ${expression} string`}
multiple inputs with single handler

  • you have to use e.target[name]=e.target.value
  • use an array /object for the usestate const [state,setState]=useState({name:value,name,value...})
    setState{...state, [e.target.name]=e.target.value}
  • add names and values attributes to the input tags
  • probably want to try that for multiple named buttons and use different functions, set an array of named functions


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