23/05/2020 - moving code to codesandbox

  • its been my wish to push stuff to codesandbox
  • one, for sharing purpose
  • two, local node modules take up too much space
  • managed to iron out the annoying 502 errors in the container sandboxes
  • due to: 
  • npm scripts (need to cd into the client folder to trigger the npm start in the client package json),
  • client dependencies not installed (dependencies is not the the root directory package json, so manual installation is required)
  • for now, the client side is showing, i have not started testing the app yet
  • here's the code sandbox below, its my code-along based on traversy media's mern stack udemy course, i coded it halfway, not done the comments and likes section of the web app for the client end, the backend is done


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