
Showing posts from June, 2020

21/06/2020 - asian dishes i tried cooking

omelette prawn omelette add sugar as prawns are salty, and i like sweet omelette slice the prawn thinly and fry them before, use mince garlic  onion omelette perpendicular slice the onion so they cook faster, fry beforehand silverfish omelette use the tiny ones. fresh, cooked (boiled) ones are ok scent fry them with minced garlic till golden brown  use less soy, or salt than usual caipo omelette use sweet caipo (dried good section) salty one also can, but must boil to leach out the salt and add sugar scent fry with mince garlic beforehand add less salt or soy to the egg mix greens sambal sauce sambal petai slice petai in half, there's a weak spot somewhere, rid the inside shoot also (they smell so good when they are fresh, i dont understand why they are called stink beans) scent fry chunked garlic, add perpendiular slice onion, cook, then add water to often, and cook further to reduce moisture add in sambal mix (i use asyuri or something like that), heat, add water, add petai, stir

19/06/2020 - mongoimport

hi its the snail /shameful unemployed procrastinator here again today i discovered another thing new how to use mongoimport  to import a .tsv file into mongodb go google sheet online >create some columns with data and the a header row>export the file as tsv file go mongodb and download the server app (just to get mongod aka mongo daemon) and the database tools (just to get mongoimport) download and install the file go into the bin folder and copy the url start>search>views advanced settings>env variables > find "path" variable>edit>paste the url go to the downloads folder, unzip the file, go to /bin and right click run command prompt OR powershell OR bash go mongodb atlas>create a cluster if none > create a database if none>create a collection if none>go back to the dashboard>connect>get the connection string> open up windows notepad and store the url>edit the fields for password, database name mongo atkad>account>cluste