02/06/2020 - passportjs | JAMstack, graphQL

passport js - user athentification

  • passport allows 3rd party auth in express = good user experience, no password proliferation, no storing of user passwords in database
  • is a combination of middleware
  • below is the code sandbox for passport js.
  • i am following net ninja's tutorial. see here
  • i am using google, facebook and local strategies,
  • in the set up code, need to go to the google and facebook developers api console to create the client keys and secrets
  • code sandbox allows users using node templates to have secret keys and reference with process.env, these are private and not copied over when forked
  • added some logic in the routes to check if the user email existed and also user account integration if the auth method was used to login before
  • schema structure: mongo recommends embedding, vs ref
  • not yet done the local - sign up (not included in passport) + login, will need to use bcryptjs to hash the stored password


  • #webdev, #jamstack
  • saw this new way of doing things called the JAMstack.
  • aint a specific technology stack
  • basically you convert your code into static files and serve via cdns and not servers
  • serverless = no more server errors
  • the stack i want to learn is gatsby/graphql + netlify + contentful
  • then i will ponder about how to do the auth routes
  • you combine with netlify to push deployment easy and a headless CMS like contentful to update your site data
  • get a really easy way of creating and maintaining a website
  • i went to learn graphql - youtube: netninja - graphql, you can visit the github repo here
  • the technologies are node, express, react, graphql, apollo
  • because i have heard good reviews about it
  • graphql = query language for apis
  • just like sql = query language for relational databases
  • no more writing crud routes in express for every single collection of data. yay. 
  • codesandbox for the front end, backend is at the bottom, i couldn't be bothered to copy paste the front end react template + configure the npm scripts,  just so the both runs on the same sandbox,so i just referenced another sandbox for the backend + used cors middleware
  • youtube netninjs - check out his tutorials, he is a good teacher
  • frontend
  • codesandbox backend - i am using the /graphql route as the api endpoint
  • advantages: 
  • cut out express crud routes - get post put delete etc 
  • no more mongo embed or refs, no more mongo queries (no more callback hell or thenables)
  • clean data structure super easy to parse into the react front end


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