29/07/2020 - productivity apps
tried and liked
- chrome extension
- YTTracker - tracking mileage on youtube learning videos
- for tracking how much time you watched on youtube daily.
- nice excel sheet to see your mileage
- those videos you don't want tracked, open in incognito mode
- stay focusd -
- blocks apps. modes like daily max time, etc. see below
- personally, i use facebook as newsfeed to push articles to me and often click out of it, so actually 2 minutes on facebook is plenty much. unfortunately i cant block youtube because i learn on it
- liner - highlight the web.
- available on android
- dashboard shows highlighted snippets
- unfortunately search is a little lacking
- highlights are still present when you visit the same page
- freemium, not too cheap
- personally i use this to prevent information overload
- android app
- stay focused -
- block a max of 5 apps on the free version. set my working hours and i don't get to use them.
- nice annoying overlay mocking you when you try to open the blocked app and it even lets you know the number of times you attempted.
- personally i recommend you not to touch your fun apps in the morning at all. it just blows me off course.
- google keep - both on desktop and android
- suggested usage - set up reminders quickly => faster than setting a calendar event=>create a note and set a reminder on keep, it allows you to pick quick date and times, can also customise specifically => it is reflected on my google calender home screen widget in reverse order => so i can see upcoming events clearly => notifications are inadequate because they are swipeable. you just need a daily habit of opening your phone and taking a look=> event has to be marked done, it has the feature to be pushed to the next day if not checked off
- quick access list=> create a tickbox type list and pin it=> list appears on my keep widget on homepage => press to see more details
- further use of lists=>i also plan my day every night using time chunking - divided into 6/7 chunks - am before work (aka morning routine), am during work, noon before work, pm work, pm after work, bed time (aka bed time routine)
- journey - journal app
- i use it to do a daily log - record ideas, what i have done and what i missed, review why i got off track
- also use it to store in my notes for online courses everyday which i type on notepad
- useful bed time ritual
- it is like an accountability log
- blogger
- also a end day ritual
- like a daily log and also might possibly useful to people
- liner
- as mentioned
- website
- NLB overdrive -
- you can borrow books for free if you are singaporean and highlight text on the browser app
- personally i have a habit of highlighting on non fiction books because they make me fall asleep
- how to read a non fiction book
- check out the chapter list. save your time on the prologue.
- keep in mind what kind of information you want to look out for
- practice highlighting
- use ebooks, they are portable
- some like to read in the day but i rather start in the evening because i don't find them relaxing at all, i read because i wanted to learn about something and not because it is relaxing
- at the same time, google for articles which offer more brevity without losing content
- try to complete the book
- you can skip the page if you skim and decide there is nothing of value to trudge through
- relaxing books
- i like those offbeat ones. their messy lives make me feel right at home and better about myself.
physical items
- bed side stand - for keeping stuff within reach
- landing spot - for items to bring when you leave home
- your bag - have a habit of packing your bag
- clock that is 30 minutes early and has huge number - great for people who are often late like me
bedtime items
- a melodius sounding phone alarm is less stressful to wake up to
- sunlight lamp / box
- use a blue light filter
- or night mode - which turns your screen monochrome so you don't want to use it
- an app like calm with a soothing voice and sounds - aka talk me to sleep because i am single AF
- mejoo and cats on youtube - hyejoo's lifestyle is so nice
- a coffee in the morning boosts arousal and motivation
- plants near your bed, at least you have a living thing near you