
Showing posts from May, 2021


 im going to slack off today. do my own stuff. listen to bts butter on loop

23/05/2021 - i only like coding when i dont have to report my progress

 trying not to think about my boss face when i code i feel very relaxed and enjoy when i work on the company's codebase during the weekend at my own pace, i can enjoy the process and take breaks. i can stop thinking about how long it will take and fully focus on the process. but i am much less productive and more haste when its the weekday and i have to face the prospect of reporting my progress twice a day. but at least the meeting is only in the morning and the afternoon one's on trello. kinda sucks the joy and concentration away from the task when you have to deal with stressors.  i cant seem to put it away from my mind even though i already set the alarm clock. maybe i write out my own progress report beforehand regardless of the true progress. i would like some level of privacy. already i have resisted the urge to check slack on weekends. my boss probably puts me in the freezer but i dont really care because i still learn a lot of new stuff by looking at the code and he th

16/05/2021 - coding in a professional sense

hi its me. i decided i had spent enough time on coding and decided to get some real world experience as by my own i dont have enough drive to push projects at a quick rate. currently interning as a frontend (coder?) in a startup. boss is very nice.  but still i feel miserable because i get stuck at code all the time really badly and there's deadline. i am not trained in data and algorithms so its pretty rough for me. its not like you should ask others to solve the task you've been assigned to. and i spend my non working hours working. and the allowance is pretty little. i get to work from home. pretty low on motivation right now. i wanted to do ui, but frontend means you do the ui, querying, state managment etc.  its for me to earn my coding hours and exposed to code. and its react/javascript which i am mostly familiar with. but its actually react native/android. so its kinda pain in the ass. i always having environment/set up issues. npm/nodejs on windows not the best experien

08/05/2021 - sharing stories

 pretty interesting week from hearing people's stories - the deaf lady with trauma rejecting her social worker's advice to work a job in F&B (cos that's all they are thought to be good for), securing her dream job with the programme, doing what she wanted to do which is to contribute her part to the deaf support community. and advising me to flex my coding muscles by doing reps - the strict tech expert. who tells me i have to learn my own way and also, yes, he also thinks i need to work on my fundamentals as per my suspicion - the really chirpy ex art director with a creative flair and sense of humor - the plain looking marketing lady and man who made me feel right at home when we realised we all knew aces day. i laughed at their banter - guiding CS grads with their environment setup. was really awkward and i felt self conscious all the way - privately refactoring my code for which i already submitted. not sure if i get the chance to submit the refactored code - its nic

01/05/2021 - react context

react context useful for local context, quick and dirty method, especially when you are not the one setting up the global state //react component (parent) export const mycontext = react.createcontext(); const xxx =() =>{  const value = value //usecontext and usestate //if you declare usestate getters and setters in the parent component, you can still pass them into the context //some people prefer to do it in a separate file but make sure the consumers are in accordance to the tree structure, i prefer to just pass it in the parent component return <MyContext.Provider value={value}><div><div></MyContext.Provider value={value}> //react component (child) import {MyContext} from './parent component' const xxx =()=>{ const value = React.useContext() const {field, field, field}= value; ... you can use the values now caveats according to react  Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at eve

01/05/2021 - git in vscode

git version control is essential if you are doing coding as a job you will be working as a team, so version control is a way to track changes by each team member you should see this, it means the editor records your changes you can open the working tree to compare the changes side by side, and step through the changes if not, you can use the checkout to create a new branch and it should start recording from there on vscode git scm  - git stash - kinda like saving your work - save - choose git stash untrack to track all the changes - when you stash, your changes will disappear but can be applied with apply stash - drop stash can be used to delete changes you no longer need - its useful for local repo to keep various versions instead of commiting them git commit and push - pull to merge your changes with the remote branch,  - to be safer, do a git fetch and then a git status to check for remote changed files so your changes dont clash i.e are in different files, then do a git pull - to p