
Showing posts from March, 2020


up close and personal mood and energy affect your motivation and perseverence night rituals affect what time you wake up personal hygiene matters the mindset of wanting to be consistent and not miss out a session noticing what you prefer not good with discomfort and bored easily need to consistently keep my mood up with good fiction books and also start slow and slowly build try out different methods of habit building and time organisation  introduce variety noticing what you need authenticity ability to non conform area to hide basically if you treat me like you were to rear a cat, i would be more than happy. the covid-19 scene social distancing has kicked in - malls and stop units requiring queuing ghost buildings, empty roads depressing news

upskilling and self care

hi, i am almost 2 months unemployed, purposely so, wondering if i will get structural unemployment sometimes i just hole up in my room because i dont want to go to the living room and talk to mum. not that my parents say much, but i know they worry. and every time mum asks me if i have applied for more jobs i get stressed. the last bout lasted a few days. i buckled down and yet again had to clean up my shit, on my day to day and my skills acquiring. so i am back to baseline now UPSKILLING job goals job with some specialisation  i realised admin help means you are a toilet bowl who fixes all the data needs of everyone you serve and their bosses. your time is at their mercy sure i could pack up and leave on time, but i dont just so unfulfilling i end on on a mindless hamsterwheel trying to clear my plate as fast as possible but never overcoming the deluge that's when i realised though i love my workplace, my job, my colleagues. its become toxic. what i learn online


habit apps use multiple apps for your habits tick tick - single day list view, can recur - can check off your daily todos google calendar - can set goals and check them off habit tracker - got this habit streak in their calendar view, can check off your successful days if you get brain drain at your desk, lie on your bed and use the app on your phone - tricks your brain if you are simply bored

mern webstack

MERN mongo express react node database backend api front end ui/api server runtime front end back end difficulties faced error handling errors - vague error message in node. best ones are those with the file names data structure. if it doesnt match, does really throw an explicit error local storage of token and redux - had some issue persisting the auth token long codes are difficult to trace redux, react-redux, usereducer - which one to use? state - instances for - initialising, prefill and onchange onsubmit - react forms are so difficult someone made a implementation in npm nested data structures my conclusion i still dont know how state works how immutable state works i think basically you dont touch the state directly but store it in instances my unconscious last night i dreamt of working in a deadend job. as usual, i hated the interaction with people i just got to know. usual fear of trying to absorb the job related knowledge on th

coding journey so far

how to learn to code. why learn to code learning journey i started off learning the python language. python is close to pseudo code java and the c languages are more difficult to learn because they dont have dynamic type and they have a lot of boilerplate. whereas in python and JS you can get down to business. data types - string, array, number, decimal, character, boolean variables, values, pass by value pass by reference variable scope literal syntax, constructors keywords new, return and their meaning console.log/print code blocks, control structures - if else, ++ arrays and the similar shorthand, short circuit, how longhand can be equivalent to shorthand higher order functions - map, reduce, filter python's list comprehensions new features in the latest version style guides - if too lazy, use a linter and autoformat  always code along. best editor in my opinion is vs code. there's a toy language called scratch. you dont actually code but you underst

new template

waow i didnt know blogger had these new cool templates. must add! that cat is not mine. looks like my neighbor's though. wish i had one (minus the fangs and claws T-T) i am two-thirds done with my MERN stack code-along. it is to make a webapp for a portofolio site where you can update your profile and do posts, comments likes, sign up/login, stuff like that sometimes i will get stuck for 1-2 days because of some config issue or issue with the state. curse and swear as i alternate between my desk reading stackoverflow and googling madly. and my bed, watching youtube to comfort myself. coding is rather enjoyable when you are writing boilerplate or coding at your skill level. great stress relief / forget about your trouble. so i think it is a good hobby to have. havent been applying for jobs. the ones i applied for all got rejected. i want to focus on acquring my skills and staying out of my comfort zone my habits are kinda all over the place. i dont manage to eat health

slacking at home

since i am not working, i decided to try and achieve my goals upskill. be able to produce code and projects that look passable - first javascript/web dev, then python/data analysis be healthier - exercise, diet achieve workplace-like pace even at home - would have achieved intrinsic motivation personal habits wake on time 7am.  cook and eat what i cook - and failing a lot - its just unpleasant journaling with journey app - report on progress on your current project, personal emotions, log what makes you distracted, makes you unhappy. helps you plan, vent gain more clarity, unconsciously. keep my room and house clean keystone habit (or action creates inspiration and motivation) housework: laundry and plants daily, floor and toilets weekly. housework is my keystone habit instead of exercise hahaha always do a small chore in the morning. water the plants, hang the laundry. anything that makes you move worktools and digital workspace. aside on diet i find it is ver