new template

waow i didnt know blogger had these new cool templates. must add!

that cat is not mine. looks like my neighbor's though. wish i had one (minus the fangs and claws T-T)

i am two-thirds done with my MERN stack code-along. it is to make a webapp for a portofolio site where you can update your profile and do posts, comments likes, sign up/login, stuff like that

sometimes i will get stuck for 1-2 days because of some config issue or issue with the state. curse and swear as i alternate between my desk reading stackoverflow and googling madly. and my bed, watching youtube to comfort myself.

coding is rather enjoyable when you are writing boilerplate or coding at your skill level. great stress relief / forget about your trouble. so i think it is a good hobby to have.

havent been applying for jobs. the ones i applied for all got rejected.

i want to focus on acquring my skills and staying out of my comfort zone

my habits are kinda all over the place. i dont manage to eat healthy or do any form of exercise.

did a number of book highlight and vague summary of ux related books and im trying to do copywriting.


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