coding journey so far

how to learn to code. why learn to code

learning journey
i started off learning the python language. python is close to pseudo code

java and the c languages are more difficult to learn because they dont have dynamic type and they have a lot of boilerplate. whereas in python and JS you can get down to business.
  • data types - string, array, number, decimal, character, boolean
  • variables, values, pass by value pass by reference
  • variable scope
  • literal syntax, constructors
  • keywords new, return and their meaning
  • console.log/print
  • code blocks, control structures - if else, ++
  • arrays and the similar
  • shorthand, short circuit, how longhand can be equivalent to shorthand
  • higher order functions - map, reduce, filter
  • python's list comprehensions
  • new features in the latest version
  • style guides - if too lazy, use a linter and autoformat 
  • always code along. best editor in my opinion is vs code.
there's a toy language called scratch. you dont actually code but you understand the basic concepts fast.

ended up going towards web development because learning JS means you see what you make. you combine js with html/css and the browser, you get an automatic gui that is not basic

you dont need to learn coding to be a software programmer
what i have gained from coding
  • a hobby
  • helps me understand computers better - applies to excel too
another really important skill is data literacy and writing
  • using excel means you can be a bloody data analyst as long as you understand the data and how to clean and manipulate it
  • majority of workplaces use excel
have a whole laundry list of stuff to learn, even though this is probably not the best time for it


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