mern webstack


  • mongo
  • express
  • react
  • node
  • database
  • backend api
  • front end ui/api
  • server runtime

  • front end
  • back end
difficulties faced
  • error handling errors - vague error message in node. best ones are those with the file names
  • data structure. if it doesnt match, does really throw an explicit error
  • local storage of token and redux - had some issue persisting the auth token
  • long codes are difficult to trace
  • redux, react-redux, usereducer - which one to use?
  • state - instances for - initialising, prefill and onchange onsubmit - react forms are so difficult someone made a implementation in npm
  • nested data structures
my conclusion
  • i still dont know how state works
  • how immutable state works
  • i think basically you dont touch the state directly but store it in instances
my unconscious
  • last night i dreamt of working in a deadend job. as usual, i hated the interaction with people i just got to know. usual fear of trying to absorb the job related knowledge on the job, afraid of people's disapproval, afraid you are not cool enough for people. even the cafe and the food was in detail. such a realistic dream. usually my dreams are rather indirect and vague. all that exercise from tracing and shooting coding errors must have sharpened my thoughts and senses.
favourite habit apps
  • google keep - checklists
  • tick tick - calendar view of list of actions
cooking, and eating my own cooking
  • made some aglio olio. garlic / chilli scented oil was done in the air fryer with chopped chunks of fresh garlic gloves and frozen de-seeded chilli padi. smell = good. spaghetti - done just right with the correct amount of water - 80% level, salt -2 teaspoon, timing -20 mins, spag - 1 grab broken into two, fryer - 7 to 10 mins - gralic was slightly browned. just the scented oil over the spag. toppings like mushroom and prawns - optional.
  • i have been having wholemeal bread slices with airfried egg. grease the bottom and sides of a dry deepish porcelain bowl with two tablespoons of oil by swirling the oil around. crack the egg without breaking the yoke and swirl again. 4 mins in the fryer. drizzle dark soy sauce. 


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