27/10/2020 - the most difficult piece of homework


this is a meal i cooked. typical one. 

i dont love cooking. its just i need proper nutrition that's all

thinking of sneaking in some light exercise and complete the project outline. i cant believe how much time i have spent on it do i not understand the topic?!

stupid avado project 2 is a pain in the ass

what are banking micro moments that are critical?

and i very long never exercise my belly very scary. haiya how to go crazy and exercise alot alot.

i tried wysa and i didn't like it. same as woebot.

overall i think calm is better in terms of mental wellness app.

i also like bts healing songs like bts in the soop, 4 oclock, trivia seesaw,  forever rain etc

and i like watching mejoo and cats as well as her vlog channel on youtube. i like her lifestyle and her voice and light humor.


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