01/12/2020 - moon's really bright tonight

so dad confirmed he got let go at work, so we are down to 2 incomes at home. my bro is telling me to faster find job. be needing to start job search

am clearing hubspot modules now

i was a little deflated, but i think my exercise habit helps keep me inflated

moon's really bright tonight
many mornings i sun my face from the window
now its not raining so i sleep fitfully and topless. i have no aircon no fan and blinds down fully. 
avoiding aircon and wind and light is too distracting for me

cropped the hdb flats below in case this is TMI

starting to feel a little tired of running ahead of my negative emotions

interesting reads:

influence problem
composition problem
motivation contigency consequences expectations
social dilemma, defensive and offensive defection in social loafing

see video production 101


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