06/12/2020 - time your web

there's these new tools i am using right now

time your web

badge tells you how long
visual of how you spent your time

down to the sub domain 

its another tool i use beside site blockers, pomodoros, todos
passive way of tracking active time on pages. because when you are doing stuff like project work which involves a lot of googling, pomodoros are too structured and you cannot block sites. 

again, my tips are only relevant for those who are studying/self studying.

bugs me everyday to talk about my feelings, kinda like a friend. but very one-way. kinda only knows how to challenge your thoughts and throw you learn-how-to-be-positive stuff. would prefer the 6 step from self aware log 

1. pick the emotion you feel now
2. who were you with
3. what were you doing
4. what do you feel in your body? your chest, breathing
5. did you have any excuses or rationalisations when you were having that emotion?
6. what did you learn from this?

over the years, i have gotten good at identifying my emotions, what they call emotional granularity. it is under self awareness.
for example, i have descriptions like
- my lungs hurt, breathing difficult (depressed, crying)
- eyes feel like flipping over, very impulsive (white hot rage)
- i want to ruminate alone in my room, anti desire for socialising (part of the depressed spiral)
i realise it is not easy to out those physical representations of emotions into words


How to Use the Right Tools to Beat Procrastination

my dad mentioned someone he met at a hospital with 12 balloons /stents in his body, no friends and family, who preferred being in the hospital so he could see some humans.

i realise we indeed live for other humans. they are our form of motivation. everything you do, there is an extrinsic factor to it. always been thinking about loneliness.

you realise why you want to be nice and compassionate to others. that dilemma you get when you feel others are not so nice. because you cannot live without them. you stop being so antagonistic. that sense that we are all interdependent, that liberated me. the paradox of self and others was addressed.


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