02/04/2021 - for if else loop javascript common errors, drag and drop and displace/shift
javascript is not the best in terms of error reporting. mysterious errors that you only know by experience and recall.
if else within for loops
- -silent errors that hijack your if-else
- specificity - most specific condition, then the more general ones
- type error - string instead of number
- use console.log typeof to check your args
- equality operators
- do not confuse = with ===
- one is an assignment operator the other is a comparison operator
- i dont know why both sides equality does not apply here, had to use the && operator
- test your code with
- console.log i for each condition
- check the i-s and the sequence, does it match what you expect
- beware of nesting
See the Pen sortable list by wly185 (@wly185) on CodePen.
original code by https://github.com/bradtraversy/vanillawebprojects/blob/master/sortable-list/script.js
i tweaked the code so that the drag and drop would displace/shift the list items
i tweaked the code so that the drag and drop would displace/shift the list items
the drag and drop api
- dragstart
- your drag event functionality
- drop
- your drop event functionality
- dragover
- necessary to use e.preventdefault()
- dragenter, dragleave
- styling purposes so your user knows what they dragged and where they dragging to
unfortunately i dont know how to make the adjacent list item form a gap upon drag over