08/04/2021 - someone whose words cut

dealing with friends who speak out of turn and make backhanded comments

i have a certain kind of expectation for a 30 year old woman working mother as opposed to a 50-60 year single woman who has been unemployed literally her whole life

have this friend who is like that. 

how i reason this out, is that she is not aware of the social skills of - not interrupting, not speaking out of turn, not being aware when her comments sound like backhanded compliments.

i dont think she will get into trouble when we meet, since we seldom meet, and when we meet we are mostly talking about her. and i know she is like that since i knew her. it has taken on an evolved flavor during the recent years and her comments are snarkier.

 i am amazed nobody has told her certain of her actions are insufferable and unaware. i have not yet done an observation is it only me she speaks to like that but seriously i don't think i want to go down that crazy inducing road to investigate and cause myself emotional grief. 

i have already had a meltdown once in the past because she was always displaying her blatant bias towards our other friend. we barely meet once in a blue moon, so i can afford to feel quite detached from this person and let it be.

some deeper part of me wonders, is she jealous? she needs to maintain her superiority. she needs to look down on me? ugh cant stand people who are like that. if she is really such a person, karma will befall her for having ugly behaviour and thoughts. if she is not, then as long as she maintains an innocent mindset, then all is ok on my side, i can still tolerate it.


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