11/04/2021 - multer-s3, i hate open offices
i am due to start my full time internship tomorrow. i am feeling kind of sad and depressed.
sad because i miss my carefree unemployed time.
depressed because i cant stand hotdesking and open offices.
that i will be holed in a tiny room and distracted constantly because i actually need at least a half height cubicle to work else i cannot stand the lack of privacy. i shall try to brainwash myself no one is looking at me. sure to be a painful torture. hope i make it out. not being able to achieve sustained focus is quite depressing for me.
bloody hell, can i wear blinders.
ok, so i will need to bathe, charge my phone, pack my giant bottle, pack some ginseng, and a shawl.
ok, so i tweaked https://www.udemy.com/course/mern-ecommerce/ to include multer-s3
if you reached the heroku deploy parts, you will find heroku filesystem is ephemeral
i saw some people mentioning multer-s3 in the comments.
took me long enough.