28/08/2020 - node api masterclass on udemy
ok technically it is 29aug but it is wee hours of the morning
been having poor sleep hygiene and poor sleep
whatsapp and group chats give me anxiety, i hate them
web dev
- ok so brad traversy's udemy node api masterclass
- i took his nodejs/express/mongo course before, it is similar
- difference
- how to clean up controllers
- more mongodb operations / object oriented mongodb
- doesn't have passportjs / 3rd party authentication
- you can also supplement it with express in action by evan hahn, it covers all the expressjs stuff
- file upload and renaming
- passportjs / 3rd party auth
- etc
- just read the book, its worth it. github is here but i don't think the code is very readable
- if you want the front end to be better you can stack on react/graphql/sass or some other css/ui library or bootstrap classes