11/03/2021 - got into a place and train programme

i received notice i got into a place and train programme. hurrah. didn't think i was going to get in because the interview format was recorded video and i was mumbling away not looking at the camera, it was pretty awkward, didn't know what to talk about.

tts been hazy these days. didnt sleep well last night. now i avoid the living room at night because dad said he saw a female long haired lady. might be the ginger tea i had before bed. 

having a flu right now. sometimes get those when i dont sleep well. popped a few yin qiao pills from hockhua. nursing cups of mulberry leaf teas. they are supposed to be 'clear liver and lung heat'. sneezing and sniffling but its not that bad. im just a little tired. i did some exercise skipping rope yesterday but i dont think i should do them today. sweating slightly now.

71/91 done with my e-commerce course. if you take into account the testing and tweaking as well as add functionality, i will need more time. i do like 1 section (over an hours worth) of watching but more if you include my typing and troubleshooting. everyday.

ok i'm gonna go slack a little. watch some netflix sisyphus and play some hidden myster seekers notes.

bee n having difficulty committing to a time table, and working into night time hours. because i dont get enough done in the day. night is supposed to be for me to do reading. maybe i should do reading in the morning and coding later in the day.


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