16/03/2021 - traversy udemy mern ecommerce completed

 here's the completed site https://t3ys1-3000.sse.codesandbox.io/

my project folder was created on 1/2/2021, i finished today, so it probably took me 45 days. i have to admit i slacked off a lot.

its probably has errors and bugs though. hehe. because i have not really done like testing ie clicking through the app other than the ones instructor went through. 

didn't go through the heroku deploy steps. instead i uploaded and run the source code in an online sandbox. 

if possible, i would like to

  • postman generate documentation, for the git repo read me
  • 3rd party auth, could implement my other code from csb
  • local storage may be unsafe, might want to use sessions or cookies

git upload

  • git init
  • create git ignore file, add node modules (both) and env file
  • git add .
  • check files
  • git commit and message
  • set main branch
  • go github and create an empty repo, there are codes for you to copy for the above
  • if use vscode with git, make sure you remove the remote origin or you will get origin error
  • git push
  • you can use git rm and commit if you want to remove files after the initial push

some tweaks for it to run on codesandbox (csb)

  • use create sandbox, csb import git repo
  • you will get many errors at first, its normal, you need to make some tweaks
  • add all the frontend dependencies, as seen from the frontend package json
    • react, redux etc, 
    • csb only autoloads the dependencies in the root folder package json
    • do a check if all install else csb browser keeps complaining
  • add concurrently as dependency as it is dev dependency, can skip nodemon
  • add all the env variable to secret
  • refactor all the backend imports and exports to commonjs, i tried but package json type module does not work, so go back to using require and module.exports

in the near future i would like to
  • react eror handling, logging, testing, debugging react error handling best practice
  • apparently testing and debugging are not the same things
  • what is unit testing, integrated testing etc what is unit test
  • refactor react classes component into react functional components with hooks, instructor was asking in a poll, but it looks like the majority only want hooks T-T dont you know you have to deal with legacy code?
  • uploading and aws s3 bucket
  • server side rendering and next js
i have given up on gatsby js. its a little too abstract for me. 8)


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