15/09/2020 - slowly but surely

hi all
happy to say so far so good, been achieving my daily targets. FOR NOW.

i will group the tools for my productivity system
  • group 1
  • do it tomorrow - this app makes you focus only on today and tomorrow. so you know what you cannot clear today will snowball to tomorrow, which is really annoying. set specific and doable tasks like watch ep 5 to 8 of section 3 so you can clear the target.
  • always include a target for exercise. if you have read the power of habits by charles duhigg, exercise is a keystone habit
  • blockers like stay focusd by transfusion media and stayfocused by innoxapps, when i see its blocked, i know i have slacked too much, time to go back to work.
  • use the same song or same playlist.
  • go for the videos with the same song
  • don't go hard, aim for consistency - everyday no missed day
  • warm up
  • my current mix now is a 30 min zumba vid + 5 min skipping (2 plays of drake's in my feelings)
  • i am not sure, but i always have this voice in my head saying i'm fat when i workout. it motivates me. but i am not a self critical person. just feel concerned about that girth.

-Delaying hard work is all about your mood.

according to this article, we procrastinate more due to our mood rather than our perception of time.
for me, i do both. look near (today and tomorrow), feel good (ignore negative news, exercise). just focus on what you need to do, putting your next foot forward. you will get there. slowly but surely. 

pacing is very important. it is not discounting though.

make sure you know what discourages you. make sure you don't give in. keep that commando voice in your head.
thing is, after a while, the grind doesn't feel that bad. we all get used to stuff.


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