19/09/2020 - slasher flicks make me feel sad

watched netflix american horror story season 9. pretty good. but i think watching killings makes me feel empty. so maybe not too often.

do enjoy grey's anatomy though. but binge watching always succeeds in de-motivating me. i feel kinda blue after a session.

udemy - node api
60/76 now, 16 more to go

avado - module 1 - project
fleshed out some parts of the 4 questions, feeling like there's more direction
self brainstorming on trello did work - can do the random fire away ideas until you get some ok ideas
google slides by my team member did work too - refinement of the points

google garage - 
still at module 1. not yet touched module 2.

had pretty low energy today. yesterday also. i don't know if its because the coffee was too strong, i don't have enough fibre, what's causing my lethargy. but i am still hammering away at my 2 projects.

i enjoy my time alone and reflection, but like any other human, i will have fears of being lonely once in a while. a very useless thought to have in your head. watching some forms of cyber alleviate this. interaction with friends is ok, but it is still too stressful for me. every human has their own difficult parts and when you put two humans too close together it results in friction. it is natural. but it is also unpleasant. i get the need to connect, but i also feel some distance is always more relaxing. please don't hate me.


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