16/09/2020 - spent hours tracing errors

spent almost the whole day tracing errors. what happens when you don't test as you code. impatient coder me. its 1045 pm now. i am now 2/3 way through the node api masterclass. wouldn't say that is wholly accurate. 

i learnt to check the route path, add console log so i know the controller was called. downside of error handling you get less of a stack trace. i wonder if there's a way to configure expressjs morgan logger so that i can see the stack trace for all the 400 series error. it's actually 500 also, but it's always due to my code.

so far i have 
  • done testing and 
  • read through some stuff like the error handler and the expansion of the error class. 
  • vaguely understand mongo methods and statics. 
  • mongo virtuals not so. 
  • mongo aggregate vaguely
  • mongo ref and populate vaguely
after this udemy class i need to either do the front end mini projects class 
or i need code through the express book. my backend knowledge is vague. still need to know more about file uploads and renaming, public folders, 3rd party auth, sending emails, cleaner controllers,payment gateways,unit testing,slugs, generating pages from markdown etc
react - hooks, graphql, typescript
front end - bootstrap classes, make own library

urgh tomorrow is thursday so probably need to look at the avado course and project work. it involves a lot of googling and clicking. i try to be more thorough so that i can generate decent paragraphs to open ended questions.

didn't exercise today but i ate two meals and barely snacked. managed to avoid ice cream. noticed my period was scanty so i didn't exercise anyway i had not much time left after spending so much time tracing my code error today.

been watching choreos - songs blinding lights, in your eyes - singer the weeknd - album during covid19 - choreo from 1997 studio. not bad. i like 1997 studio dancers outfit and retro way of dancing.


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