17/09/2020 - cramming is so unfulfilling

i just realised my online digital marketing course has 31 google modules. fuck. i rushed 22/26 of 1/31 google mod today. feeling empty. numb feeling of not absorbed anything. this means i gonna need to minimum clear 5 mods per week. which is 1 mod per day. 

also tried to arrange and add points to the project in trello. trying out trello because you can move cards from 1 list to another in your board.

%arabica caffe latte @ jewel changi. was really keyed up today. maybe that's why i am drained and how i zoomed through almost 1 google mode in 1 day with 2 sittings. costed me aorund 7 8 dollars. i prefer hoshino coffee. or even essenso columbian or sumatra microground instant coffee. i sat there, opened my laptop and furiously clicked through the bloody module quizzes. i think i will do that at safra macs next time. its always empty on weekday mornings.

only coded remaining 2 eps of section 7 today. its 11 pm and my brain is fried.

nowadays i study/code 5 days a week. sat is for housework and 1 weekday usually monday is for movie. lunches are for netflix. mornings or evening is for exercise.

i actively avoid looking at whatsapp so i dont see the notifications for the project group. i only look at it every other day or else on live classes day or weekends.

let me see if i want to zoom through code or google mods.

  • digital marketing
    • avado -
      • 3/4 weeks with 2 open ended question and 1 hr lecture per week, of 1/6 module, 0/4 project
    • google section 
      • 26/26 parts with quiz of 1/31 module
  • udemy node api
      • 52/76 eps or 7/11 sections or 75% completed


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