
Showing posts from 2021

1/1/2022 - code and work

 its a new year i have the remember to end my year with a 2 its a lovely year i guess. cos pairs. and opposing twos make a heart yesterday i was looking for a browser controller + parser for a webscraper i saw python beautifulsoup + selenium but i like javascript, i saw a node/pupeteer one. i also saw traversy's video recommending cheerio which is pretty stripped down i usually prefer barebones solutions cos its easier to focus i think this would be very useful in terms of report generation eg competitor analysis in ecommerce, market analysis, content generation but for mine since the company i am working for is a location based app, i have to learn to parse geo location from the coordinates they give me i managed to build android bundle on macos. thank gawd there was a txt file storing the keys docker would also be useful for me cos i think it neatens projecs

31/12/2021 - end of year

 as per my custom, i will always post on the last day of the year i didnt do it on the actual night, but i didnt forget either. was just tucked into bed and feeling lazy been tired the whole year heard the cheers and the fireworks marking the turn of the new year phone wise, nothing other than my family only sent the messages n new year itself

25/12/2021 - end of year

 its xmas and end of year coming soon i wonder if monday's gonna be a holiday its been a blast tis weekend i've been having uti  is it becos of lack of bath? my hair is too long i dont like the time it takes  30 minutes in total from bath to hair dry so unable to go out for family dinner but my addiction to netflix is high which means i am happy that sense of absorption cos my mind is always distracted and scattered it feels good to be in a different mental state this happens when my desire to enjoy to the max is high sometimes when work overtakes my urge to enjoy it kinda sucks i am in a holiday relaxed let work wait till monday mode nice im planning to inhale a cup noodle later when my family's out feels abit guilty to eat unhealthy. spaghetti will have to wait for tomorrow maybe i'll  set up my mac tonight watch a movie tomorrow

12/12/2021 - i dont like designing

here's the stupid design. why is it so lame.... i think its easier for me to think about it in terms of css, something like this should split it up and think in terms of ui components

05/12/2021 - stuff on my learn list

next js i watched the traversy one. first time at 2x speed on phone. probably need to repeat it a few times slower and more focus on specific parts and then go on to create one on vscode figma  watched freecodecamp one. again the 2x speed watch thing, needs spaced repeition. wonder which of the 2 will i get started on first. probably the next js one. figma and its kinds random, but i havent done the draw cute stuff one yet tips - 2x speed + captions - chrome extension video resume - liner highlighter - its better than bookmarking

29/11/2021 - time flies

time flies. i have been working at a local tech start up since tis apr, and tomorrow's time for my mid review. recently, i have been dealing with anxiety. fears that i am not enough. my emotion is not very good. i do think about plan b. this shit is so hard. to me. so let's take stock things i have done react native set up mac - android studio + android phone (emulator wont work), xcode + ios phone / emulator windows - android, phone (emulator sucks) for some reason i have to build bundle somewhere else cos my internet wont point correct mac os quirks - m1 chip rosetta mode for xcode OR exclude arm64 architecture arch commands for pod on cli learnt along the way graphql+apollo little sql+hasura react native


just feel tired and depressed lor

03/08/2021- is life just work

is life? working like a dog for 9 hours a day 5 days a week? den wasting time on netflix youtube tiktok. housework on weekends.

01/08/2021 - mutterings

ok i'm just going to write in a stream of consciousness style cos its just more satisfying dont like writing in journey app where there's zero possibility of anyone reading but me. doesnt feel good at all. feels kind of depressing even. - rainy weather bored out of my mind endless binge watching netflix chinese costume dramas zombies. monsters. anime - does 30s make u hornier. like i feel so dry recently. but super want to get off. its hard to get off when u are dry. ergh. annoying. used to be able to settle it once in a while n in record time, which i was pretty proud of. now i feel like a dry well crying for water. isit the teatree mint soap i've been using on my genitals. cos it itches either its dry skin or fungus i dunno. pee smell. now the smell and damp feeling is gone but i feel dry. how to sell drugs online fast. why does gen z depress me. too much tech in their lives. like pushing my box of imagining their human side. cats link to the past. i feel anything retro s

27/06/2021 - feeling much better

went for vaccine today at the CC. doesnt hurt. slight ache and cool temperature after the rain makes me feel grounded. was reading this book about a male nurse. not bad. i like reading such stuff they make me feel grounded another one was this also rediscovered flipboard is a feed for reading like google feed, facebook feed for the singpass endpoint i added in the final graphql woohoo.  used axios with headers and graphql security is server to server (no browser) and ssl i delete headers after the route also found a way to clear git commit history cos i accidentally commited something sensitive with git orphan now its for me to harass the cert authority and the singpass api

26/06/2021 - how to eat an elephant qn: how to eat an elephant? ans: bit by bit. i shall try and apply it to my never-ending workload (i don't mind that, and the awful pain i have below) db admin stresses me. i hate hasura, i hate postgresql, i dont know if its cos of shitty cheap disks or postgresql itself. i keep having deadlocks and its really pain i really dont want to do it anymore. what i do to control my nerves/ take my mind off stuff - watch netflix - china costume dramas, china scifi dramas, kdramas, - i think asmr, which i have not watch for long time, is pretty good. update 27jun anyway i managed to sideline the problem table and use the existing table. hasura pain in the ass. i wrote to their twitter.

03/06/2021 - ui code day

today is a slow code day for me. doing frontend. just the react-native and RN element library. don't have to read docs and get stress angry that your implementations dont work. frontend a little boring sometimes, but i can do it at 50% attention and watch some bts butter mv along the way. i decided, to secretly explore RN webviews. now from RN community, no longer part of RN. why though. even though my senior at work told me they are not going to work for a certain implementation. i just want to know how it works. deeplinking involves alot of config, separately for ios and android. i dont have ios so i dont feel like touching it. havent gotten round to installing vmware or genymotion. anway i dont think my laptop can handle it. also learnt about the ATS today

02/06/2021 - i submitted code today

yay i pushed out code today. progress! for something i was stuck on for 3 days. on using the singpass myinfo api. it makes me happy. cos finally and anxious. cos i cant help but think there will be something screwed


 im going to slack off today. do my own stuff. listen to bts butter on loop

23/05/2021 - i only like coding when i dont have to report my progress

 trying not to think about my boss face when i code i feel very relaxed and enjoy when i work on the company's codebase during the weekend at my own pace, i can enjoy the process and take breaks. i can stop thinking about how long it will take and fully focus on the process. but i am much less productive and more haste when its the weekday and i have to face the prospect of reporting my progress twice a day. but at least the meeting is only in the morning and the afternoon one's on trello. kinda sucks the joy and concentration away from the task when you have to deal with stressors.  i cant seem to put it away from my mind even though i already set the alarm clock. maybe i write out my own progress report beforehand regardless of the true progress. i would like some level of privacy. already i have resisted the urge to check slack on weekends. my boss probably puts me in the freezer but i dont really care because i still learn a lot of new stuff by looking at the code and he th

16/05/2021 - coding in a professional sense

hi its me. i decided i had spent enough time on coding and decided to get some real world experience as by my own i dont have enough drive to push projects at a quick rate. currently interning as a frontend (coder?) in a startup. boss is very nice.  but still i feel miserable because i get stuck at code all the time really badly and there's deadline. i am not trained in data and algorithms so its pretty rough for me. its not like you should ask others to solve the task you've been assigned to. and i spend my non working hours working. and the allowance is pretty little. i get to work from home. pretty low on motivation right now. i wanted to do ui, but frontend means you do the ui, querying, state managment etc.  its for me to earn my coding hours and exposed to code. and its react/javascript which i am mostly familiar with. but its actually react native/android. so its kinda pain in the ass. i always having environment/set up issues. npm/nodejs on windows not the best experien

08/05/2021 - sharing stories

 pretty interesting week from hearing people's stories - the deaf lady with trauma rejecting her social worker's advice to work a job in F&B (cos that's all they are thought to be good for), securing her dream job with the programme, doing what she wanted to do which is to contribute her part to the deaf support community. and advising me to flex my coding muscles by doing reps - the strict tech expert. who tells me i have to learn my own way and also, yes, he also thinks i need to work on my fundamentals as per my suspicion - the really chirpy ex art director with a creative flair and sense of humor - the plain looking marketing lady and man who made me feel right at home when we realised we all knew aces day. i laughed at their banter - guiding CS grads with their environment setup. was really awkward and i felt self conscious all the way - privately refactoring my code for which i already submitted. not sure if i get the chance to submit the refactored code - its nic

01/05/2021 - react context

react context useful for local context, quick and dirty method, especially when you are not the one setting up the global state //react component (parent) export const mycontext = react.createcontext(); const xxx =() =>{  const value = value //usecontext and usestate //if you declare usestate getters and setters in the parent component, you can still pass them into the context //some people prefer to do it in a separate file but make sure the consumers are in accordance to the tree structure, i prefer to just pass it in the parent component return <MyContext.Provider value={value}><div><div></MyContext.Provider value={value}> //react component (child) import {MyContext} from './parent component' const xxx =()=>{ const value = React.useContext() const {field, field, field}= value; ... you can use the values now caveats according to react  Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at eve

01/05/2021 - git in vscode

git version control is essential if you are doing coding as a job you will be working as a team, so version control is a way to track changes by each team member you should see this, it means the editor records your changes you can open the working tree to compare the changes side by side, and step through the changes if not, you can use the checkout to create a new branch and it should start recording from there on vscode git scm  - git stash - kinda like saving your work - save - choose git stash untrack to track all the changes - when you stash, your changes will disappear but can be applied with apply stash - drop stash can be used to delete changes you no longer need - its useful for local repo to keep various versions instead of commiting them git commit and push - pull to merge your changes with the remote branch,  - to be safer, do a git fetch and then a git status to check for remote changed files so your changes dont clash i.e are in different files, then do a git pull - to p

15/04/2021 - git workflow

sync checkout new branch track track view modification/discard changes sync upload request merge in provider i used gitlab so i could clone via their online GUI apparently git does not have the concept of sub branch, all branches are equal, when merge, it compares 2 branches the idea to isolate your changes stems from creating a new branch

14/04/2021 - coding for android

interning as a startup android studio and gradle sucks i hate testing out my react-native code. testing out code for reactjs was a breeze emulator is really slow in a professional context, having to deal with git which is painful to use it was really dumb i am still copying my code to a alternate file as a backup plan google is your best friend, humans aren't able help you much if the answer is not short, which it often isnt you have to tutor and watch videos yourself boss who seems to chase after features tbh, the target group is not defined, content is not defined  i am analysing this is a niche social app so it needs niche content,  even instagram offers something different to facebook right it might be easier to just copy features from the most popular apps  heck, even youtube sports tiktok rip offs these days learning wise, mobile is a terrible place to start for newbies  it is better to start off in vanilla js and then react.  only once you have learnt all, then refactor the

11/04/2021 - multer-s3, i hate open offices

i am due to start my full time internship tomorrow. i am feeling kind of sad and depressed. sad because i miss my carefree unemployed time. depressed because i cant stand hotdesking and open offices. that i will be holed in a tiny room and distracted constantly because i actually need at least a half height cubicle to work else i cannot stand the lack of privacy. i shall try to brainwash myself no one is looking at me. sure to be a painful torture. hope i make it out. not being able to achieve sustained focus is quite depressing for me. bloody hell, can i wear blinders. ok, so i will need to bathe, charge my phone, pack my giant bottle, pack some ginseng, and a shawl. ok, so i tweaked to include multer-s3 if you reached the heroku deploy parts, you will find heroku filesystem is ephemeral i saw some people mentioning multer-s3 in the comments.  took me long enough.

10/04/2021 - how do you include a person who is not eloquent

u noe i struggle to include my dad when there's my mum, its kinda dysfunctional dunno how to handle my dad sometimes. he w interrupt and disrupt when me and mum talking to shut us up, make dumb comments that invite scolding from my mum, in the background mumble or leave out words,  or go off topic, which means the listener has to work hard to comprehend what he means and raise their voice to get him to repeat i tink his behaviour is someone who feels left out, i tried telling him so many times at least speak clearly and not jump from topic to topic. when hes like that to keep him happy that i have listen to him talk but its pretty one sided. like satisfy his need for verbal stimulation but its not enjoyable for me i dont usually bend backwards just to keep him happy because i feel he should work on his skills its better when its juz one to one cos he doesnt have competition form my mum who is better conversationalist so he can talk all he wants and get the attention today he oso ve

08/04/2021 - someone whose words cut

dealing with friends who speak out of turn and make backhanded comments i have a certain kind of expectation for a 30 year old woman working mother as opposed to a 50-60 year single woman who has been unemployed literally her whole life have this friend who is like that.  how i reason this out, is that she is not aware of the social skills of - not interrupting, not speaking out of turn, not being aware when her comments sound like backhanded compliments. i dont think she will get into trouble when we meet, since we seldom meet, and when we meet we are mostly talking about her. and i know she is like that since i knew her. it has taken on an evolved flavor during the recent years and her comments are snarkier.  i am amazed nobody has told her certain of her actions are insufferable and unaware. i have not yet done an observation is it only me she speaks to like that but seriously i don't think i want to go down that crazy inducing road to investigate and cause myself emotional grie

07/04/2021 - done with course

i am done with the 20 vanilla web mini projects why is coding kind of exhausting sometimes. i get really bad text neck since my posture sucks. also done with the react native crash course. need to familiarise with the react native components, and the styling specificities. other than that it seems the same. i am glad react hooks is used.

06/04/2021 - react-native setup on windows and vscode

tutorial docs error JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. cause user variable were set via the control panel but the system variable not in sync, had to set as admin in command prompt solution dependencies for windows java sdk (same version as the jre within the android sdk folder), android has the jre but lacks the jdk android studio (android runs on java) paths and windows environment variable must be set and then you can use the react-native cli on vscode command prompt terminal choco install -y nodejs.install openjdk8 browser search and install android studio android studio app > config>sdk manager> sdk> check for android 10 q else add control panel pane set ANDROID_HOME, the url is inside the sdk manager command prompt terminal set JAVA_HOME, it shoul

05/04/2021 - graphql server

this is the javascript nodejs express server side implementation i wanted something similar very close to just nodejs only and no apollo to avoid adding packages but majority of tutorials on the net use apollo purpose of graphql implementation agnostic, flexible easier to do more complicated queries self documenting what you see if what you get reduce proliferation of endpoints client side can define their own data api so graphql will add a layer of customisation help you do joins and nested queries reading sdl/ast/syntax/language - schemas and types queries and mutations js implementation - running express and graphql clients youtube tutorial applying the above express-graphql npm file structure for backend your server file express-graphql, graphhttp schema file gql tag or template strings resolver file plain js functions or you might even want to split up the schemas or resolvers

03/04/2021 - finding prime numbers

during a phone interview recently, i was how would i use javascript to find prime numbers below a a certain integer. so far i have seldom touched javascript algorithms. only dabbled in python machine learning. but that is looking at other people's code. i am feeling really insecure until i can solve the problem, even though the employer passed my feeble attempt. here's the solution  See the Pen prime number algo by wly185 ( @wly185 ) on CodePen . use a for loop, other methods like map and filter seems to crash use for .. of to iterate through the array values  i added a break statement because i wanted to stop if the number was divisible and not search anymore, on to the next number filter out even numbers and number divisible by 5 (ends with 5 and zeros) to reduce the array length to generate an array, use array(integer) and fill(0) => an array with all zeros => map value to key index +1

02/04/2021 - for if else loop javascript common errors, drag and drop and displace/shift

 javascript is not the best in terms of error reporting. mysterious errors that you only know by experience and recall.  if else within for loops -silent errors that hijack your if-else  specificity - most specific condition, then the more general ones  type error - string instead of number use console.log typeof to check your args  equality operators do not confuse = with === one is an assignment operator the other is a comparison operator i dont know why both sides equality does not apply here, had to use the && operator     test your code with console.log i for each condition check the i-s and the sequence, does it match what you expect beware of nesting See the Pen sortable list by wly185 ( @wly185 ) on CodePen . original code by i tweaked the code so that the drag and drop would displace/shift the list items the drag and drop api events dragstart your drag event functionali

02/04/2021 - some feelings of trepidation

treated my fam to dinner.  quite nervous, feeling some trepidation about starting work again after 1year 3 months of unemployment. to be specific, its the part about social anxiety but i really have to fake it and quash those feelings of insecurity and uncertainty. these days i feel a sense of relief that a piece of the puzzle that is my career direction seems to be filled.

31/03/2021 - my journey to find my career

1 more to go.. tmr is my birthday i wanted to finish it by today but these days i have this low level headache. anyway i completed 2 modules today so i'm satisfied. particularly enjoyed the new year countdown. not sure but the matching programme email containing the letter of confirmation of my role  got my name wrong in the email and  my role was changed from software to digital marketing? the letter to sign is generally worded so don't think they have any changes.  the compensation was towards the lower end i am guessing they go by the years of relevant professional experience.  this is quite a stressful experience so far for me. first employer i was matched told me i had to do data entry and accounting role for them. now this one dont know why is my role changed but if its to deal with google analytics i will still be happy.

29/03/2021 - you can do it..

  3 hrs of video more to go... i lagged today and binged in netflix. feeling both satisfied and dissatisfied. put it off because it involved canvas and animation and i am not familiar with it. cant remember if i bathed yesterday night. i put on my medicated oil so i cant bathe tonight. haze stinks. weather hot. me hot. hope i dont get headache. i need to exercise. and maybe take a day off coding along tutorial.

28/03/2021 - how to avoid feeling sad

 i know its not too good to ignore your feelings, but sometimes i just need a break from them imagine watching yourself, like a out of body experience. imagine watching yourself and the expressions you would have on your face as you felt your sad emotions and thought your sad thoughts. you should have felt some sense of empathy (humanness of sadness, another person who was sad would probably have similar expressions) and acquired some distance and space between your emotions.

27/03/2021 - i want to be neeenja

coding ninja, that its i feel inspired by this song.. 😤

25/03/2021 - doesnt seem to work out

regarding the programme i got into, i think i might quit it because the programme seems to be too hands off. its a train and place and not a place and train. and the train is for 1 month. definitely not enough to develop tech skills. and the 3rd party provider, well it seems help is distant. if the programme allow host orgs who dont already have tech capabilities, and claim that it is ok to go in without skills and learn during the programme, it seems quite unrealistic. and the one i was approached by explicitly said they were not able to train me but also wanted me to later take on roles for their clients which involved time deadlines. which would mean i would be under extreme stress as my skills were raw. and them not understanding technology makes it worse. dealing with clients and deadlines makes it worse. i need some reassurance i would get ample time since i dont get trained. but to be honest, i can train myself. its just i wanted to see what are the requirements like in real lif

23/03/2021 - 2021 personalised forecast year          mentors      can find mentors to help you month      career      challenging but can still be fulfilling day               relationships      lonely hour          desire      seek change

22/03/2021 - adobe xd

i came across adobe xd since very long ago. UI/UX designers use it. i suppose its good to know so you can plan your next good looking website. not really sure how this app is supposed to produce really amazing wireframes and prototypes, xguru's adobe xd guide is pretty good adobe guide to responsive design pretty good watching some udemy with 20 adobe xd project. its highly rated but so far i dont see the selling point mine

22/02/2021 - i enjoy watching this vlog channel

i have been following this youtube channel called bloominscence one of her videos same like me, she is reaching 30s (i am 30s), unemployed, living with parents, unmotivated, indecisive,  a little too much navel gazing, generally not moving forward in life, doesn't really get anything serious done (unless she secretly has a job or passive income source). nonetheless i feel this is a channel i really need right now. like her, i have bouts of self denial and i also developed an overly positive outlook, ignore realities. after a while, i developed some kind of blindspot. my hope for her is that she manages to find her life direction and secure an income source. her videos are really interesting, real and introspective though, i don't understand why she has so little views. not so keen about other channels because they are so fake.

22/03/2021 - i lack UI and design skills

i don't really know are there any guidelines for conventions regarding web design issues with communicating my skill sets to potential employers i have been doing a lot of server side coding and just frontend coding but little on web design or considering much about the navigation and the user without a knowledge of user patterns non technical people only care about looks well they said they wanted a UI/UX designer not intuitive i get too caught up in technical explanation of functionality i know UI/UX designer doesn't suit me i hate talking to users and stakeholders. different mental models and knowledge bad at being intuitive inarticulate about their needs communicating and adjusting expectations requires you to think clearly and have some kind of planning skills i am an ISTJ, i like clearly defined roles and processes no one understands what i am talking about technical slow to pick up what they actually want to hear i am better at writing than speaking takes time to process

20/03/2021 - deploy node app to heroku

this is a react app run on express server app. backend and frontend. tidying up the directories and pre production code server js // const __dirname = path.resolve(); if ((process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production')) {   app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'my-app/build')));   app.get('/', function (req, res) {     res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'my-app', 'build', 'index.html'));   }); } package json  "heroku-postbuild": "NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false npm install --prefix "<frontend folder>" && npm run build --prefix "<frontend folder>" procfile web: node src/server.js .gitignore /nodemodules .env //test run your app before deploy .env  NODE_ENV=production //terminal cd <frontend folder> npm run build cd .. cd <backend folder> npm run start //change back to development //deploying to heroku 1. push to git repo 2. install heroku cli 3. run heroku command to create app and

18/03/2021 - nodejs mysql cloud database

1. google cloud console, google cloud trial and create test app 2. google cloud sql console, get credentials 3.  installing mysql, create connection in workbench and test queries 4. npm mysql and creating mysql connection and queries for nodejs server 5. resources - nodejs mysql, sql queries you need to activate the google cloud free trial, create a test app go to google cloud console and click the dropdown create new project go to google cloud sql console create/choose an app>create instance>choose btwn mysql etc click button to enable engine api  ... set user password, click button to create instance white list your public ip address (google what's my ip address). click save to connect to cloud sql in mysql workbench you need mysql community server credentials you can add user and change password after you have installed server and workb

16/03/2021 - traversy udemy mern ecommerce completed

 here's the completed site my project folder was created on 1/2/2021, i finished today, so it probably took me 45 days. i have to admit i slacked off a lot. its probably has errors and bugs though. hehe. because i have not really done like testing ie clicking through the app other than the ones instructor went through.  didn't go through the heroku deploy steps. instead i uploaded and run the source code in an online sandbox.  if possible, i would like to postman generate documentation, for the git repo read me 3rd party auth, could implement my other code from csb local storage may be unsafe, might want to use sessions or cookies git upload git init create git ignore file, add node modules (both) and env file git add . check files git commit and message set main branch go github and create an empty repo, there are codes for you to copy for the above if use vscode with git, make sure you remove the remote origin or you will get origin err

16/03/2021 - EQ

also particularly bad at dealing with certain type of people - wilful, passive people. ears closed off. its worse when they open their mouth to demand something.  i just avoid them, by the way i'm not a very good reader of people and situations, thus bad at anticipating the needs of people at that moment. like keeping your eyes open but nothing comes to mind. doing small niceties that people are looking for at that moment is likeability. some call it emotional labor. something that greases the wheels. making people feel comfortable.

15/03/2021 - progress on the e-commerce MERN site code along

86/91. 5 more to go.

15/03/2021 - on the royal scandal

about the recent interview about the royals i am aware of the difficulties reported by people and women of color, burden on proof for racism, microaggressions meghan should have made it clear this was about the courtiers and the people who ran the palace and its PR machinery royals could have set a better example for the staff. lack of empathy, covering up of their various moral failings. tabloids. should all these media bullying be illegal? and british tabloids have a toxic relationship with the monarchy that needed to be set right, due to the bad karma and cheating since diana's era, and because of modern society's lack of privacy.  tabloid papers and sections should be outlawed. females tend to be held to great scrutiny and do not handle well toxicity from the media who exactly made the racist comment? since you decided to champion this cause. not being specific means you implicate the whole bunch of people i am glad piers morgan resigned. he was causing hurt and harm when h

14/03/2021 - what do you want to be when you grow up?

finding your interest i used to think this question about what you wanted to be when you grew up was a stupid question. wouldn't you choose a job that fits all of what society has taught us to chase? money, status, popularity, free time. then when you go out into actual workplace you really feel the limits of yourself and negative mindset working against you. feeling lost, confused, not knowing and just going through the moves. so i realise i couldnt go through that soul crushing. i got depressed, resentful, angry. it wasnt pretty. it was hard for me because i had a negative mindset. it never worked against me so i never thought of correcting it and was comfortable to remain in my comfort zone. i never realised i was so unaware and i was so paranoid and distrustful of all my colleagues. it led to my mental breakdown. was pretty fragile. having a long break and being accustomed to being mediocre has made me more resilient. perfectionism can make you neurotic. i was the child who did

11/03/2021 - got into a place and train programme

i received notice i got into a place and train programme. hurrah. didn't think i was going to get in because the interview format was recorded video and i was mumbling away not looking at the camera, it was pretty awkward, didn't know what to talk about. tts been hazy these days. didnt sleep well last night. now i avoid the living room at night because dad said he saw a female long haired lady. might be the ginger tea i had before bed.  having a flu right now. sometimes get those when i dont sleep well. popped a few yin qiao pills from hockhua. nursing cups of mulberry leaf teas. they are supposed to be 'clear liver and lung heat'. sneezing and sniffling but its not that bad. im just a little tired. i did some exercise skipping rope yesterday but i dont think i should do them today. sweating slightly now. 71/91 done with my e-commerce course. if you take into account the testing and tweaking as well as add functionality, i will need more time. i do like 1 section (over

08/03/2021 - 3rd party auth tweaks

 ayo hows yall i have been at passportjs for 2 days. wow. so efficient. (super inefficient T-T) refreshed my credentials for the client ids and secrets made the local and sign up route tidied the controller/routes, config to make the code easier to understand app is here